Monday, October 24, 2005

Earthquake Relief Day

Desipundit says it's on the 26th of October. I don't know why there should be a day singled out for this, I think it should be on our minds every freaking day. But whatever works, I say. Spread the word in your blogs and help our friends in Pakistan and India recover in whatever way you can. Desipundit had a consolidated list of agencies that will use your donation for the cause.

Together we can outrun this sequence of natural diasters and get help to the victims at the right time without sinking into a backlog. Help now.


Ravi said...

I don't know why there should be a day singled out for this, I think it should be on our minds every freaking day.

noble thought Alphu.

Alpha said...

Thanks much..wait a min...are you making fun of me? Never know these days!

Ravi said...

rama rama...bhalai ka zamana nahi raha!