Almost felt homesick when my car came to a screeching halt at this intersection. ‘Eat!’ my mom would say. ‘When I say eat, I mean eat’, she’d scream almost immediately as if she knew I would disregard her first time around.
Also felt like sulking when the guys in the perpendicular road didn’t have the ‘stop means stop’ sign attached to their stop signs. What is this partiality, I say! Are you saying the drivers that use that road are law-abiding people while we aren’t? That we need prodding and helpful pointers (in the same language as the actual sign) to ultimately comprehend? What if I don’t stop? Will I get a whack in my head with a ticket? A little shaken, I looked for a sticker on my car that says ‘Better stop at Greenwood and Damen Intersection.’
Oh no, you just can’t stop me
‘I’m clearly on a roll,’ he said
‘If you put a break to my stride
You will be as good as dead.’
I asked him to slow down
‘Relax and have some tea.
If you insist on running,
It’s hard to catch up, you see.’
‘No temptations of tea
Nor pouting faces galore
Will stop me from taking you
To a place you’ve not seen before
Now stop the hesitation
Just turn the freaking page
Don’t mess with me, darling
I’m the inevitable Age.’
Another year whizzes past
Leaving incomplete goals.
Goals are after all dreams
with deadlines and loopholes.
Happy Birthday!! Turning 30 is terrible, but you will survive, as have many. As they say, it is the top of the hill.. and the view is the best from there.. to the past and the future, while the present rests gingerly on the precipice. Dont try to walk too fast, lest you slip and slide down.. dont dwell for too long either, cos the precipice stands on the edge.
so how did you ring in the ahem...big 3 - 0? :D
Reminds me of the many incidents where your car got dented ! Ha ha, the engineers probably had you in mind ;)
As our good friend from Germany said (to me), 'Welcome to the right side of 30'.
Have a wonderful day. (And never mind the gray hair, wrinkles, cellulite and other reminders :)
Hey Alpha, Happy birthday ! Hope you and Pi did somehting special. And hey, don't you know 30 is the new 20..etc etc
I really liked your pome :)
Happy Birthday and all that.
--The Parrot.
hi Alpha,..Happy Birthday... like Chandler says on FRIENDS, "be happy you're over the hill, not under it...hahahaha! and hey, on a serious note, pls do support "Bloggers for Tibet day" on July 6th, which is also "World Tibet Day". You can read more about this here ... http://www.voiceofambition.com/Tibet/index.php?/archives/10-Bloggers-for-Tibet-Day.html
Awesome! Esp the poem! :)
Beautiful poem, alpha. Welcome to the club of 30 plus. The view this side is not very different :-)
*Its from Ashu, so breathe easy!*
Oh, was it also your birthday ?Belated wishes, alpha
Thank ye fellas for the wishes. Had loads of fun with bunch of close friends at Lake Geneva (very far from Switzerland and very close to Chicago).
Like Sherpa (shufy's hubby) said, it only gets way better after 30..as we don't have to stress about turning 30 anymore. Suffer you all 25-somethings! I have attained nirvana.
aqua, sure.
oye! this birthday brought the poet outta you! nirvana i dont know...but it'll get way cooler :)
Wishes alpha akka on your bday and hearty congrats on your PE!!!!
Pi gifted what?
gabby- the poet surfaces when I think people are not doing hard enough job in trying to comprehend my posts. way cooler? enjoying summer as of now. nazar mat laga.
upsilamba? unnikutti? whats with the obsession for funny sounding names starting with u? next- ulibabaandfortytheives?
pi got me shoes. shoes that i bought. he said..'keep- your birthday gift!'
thanks upsi. and why akka? we are all friends..my family can't expand anymore. anti is taking too much space already.
birthday? hogaya? ok. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear alpha, happy birthday to you.
i didnt get hint from your poem.
i am verse off than i thought. hope you had a fundu day.
happy belated birthday alpha!
uh oh, forgot to sign off ... the previous comment was mine (s.b.).
- s.b.
Had a good day, we presume. Nope, we know. May this year bring more laughs and more visits to mountain cabins :o).
toinksu- Lol @ verse off..me too actually and hence you dont see much of that here (thankfully)
s.b. yay! i am one!
cadentia: we had a great day thank you.
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Nice Blog!
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