patty: I protest..It is red. and wait a min, you thought I was a guy for this long? That explains all the winks I got from you.
rationale: Thought i'd share this secret we hid from you. Beta isn't really a guy.
psst- I had to hoard on shoes so that people like patty dont confuse me for a guy.
shoepreeta; yeah skechers . very comfy. THEY ARE RED!
shufy: well Pi thinks I need only two. Your question is a double edged sword..if i have to pick my fav two, I can't call them dhuryodhana and dhushasana.
when you are a mother, all kids are equal/significant/etc. whoops, i just saw the flaw in my reasoning!
alpha: but i am sure bh has feet (maybe six?). hmmm... you could probably hide it from rationale that beta is a beti in disguise. question is how did beta do it? or is that for mahabharata's next installment - will shikhandi or brihannala take over now?
i never imagined you as a pump girl......somehow elegant sandals- and cute indian chappals.......oh dress seriously to hide your wicket humor i guess.
aqua: "you can never have enough of a good thing" looking forward to a picture of alpha's gulab jamun collection.
alpha: while raktabeejas never were a "good thing," you could display your gulab jamuns (the very same ones that pi pines on the treadmill for), it would be a nice segue from the mahabharata series to hindu religion at large. think about it, you can even be goddess kali!
aqua: well, of course heavy coaching took place (in the sense of humor department obviously). Thanks..
m: you are quite the wise one. I did have an aversion to the kind of shoes I wear because of my morbid fear of heels (and looking any taller than I already am) second the possibility of killing someone by mistake with those pointy toes/ heels. But stiff corpoarate America helped me with the transition. I do have lots of Indian sandalas and comfy flats which are in storage at this point (summery stuff that was put inside last winter) If I wait a little longer, I wont have to put them away again. Yeah, if I were to wear shoes that reflect the kind of personality I am, I would be wearing fluffy shoes with goofy prints.
sb: when I said gulab jamun, I really meant the round brown sweets dripping with sugar syrup that can be popped in the mouth when mom is not watching. Sorry to disappoint you, if you had lingerie or something else in mind.
ugghhh ... what a warped mind you have! those sweets in sugar is what i meant too, and that is the picture i was expecting to see too.
what in the world did you think i meant? yeah yeah, i got it, you do not need to be more explicit! your home work assignment for the day: read up on raktabeeja and kali.
- s.b.
p.s.: raktabeejas are numerous - that should have been a hint!
alpha: "hehhh: I sit on the far end of the treadmill with a piece of gulab jamoon and he runs on the treadmill trying to reach it... yes, we all have our own methods of romance."
Can I play Shakuni? pliss, pliss pliss!
anti: u never asked permission before.
Pi Dhritarashtra need to be blindfolded, na?
Don't want to offend Beta by taking his role. But this opportunity is too attractive to refuse.
ups: that'll be Gandhari (me)..the blindfolded lady justice, I carry a weighing scale and blindfold myself while looking at it.
anti: check previous comment to Anti.
*recalls the special backgrnd music whenever shakuni mamma comes to the scene*
ups: are u and anti working as a giving back ground music and he doing the unnecessary build-up. I'm scared out of my shoes.
Joota hi sahi ...
Why you offended ? Because you have such ugly lookin' children ?
ha ha ha.. jo joota vahi sikander.. :P
Hmm, me thinks this is a family trait! Your bro' Beta has the same addiction to shoes (thankfully not kids yet!)
He's probably the only guy who has more shoes than his gal!
me louuweess the pink sneakers... i've been trying to get one of em myself... skechers?
im curious to know-exactly which two are Dhuryondhana & Dhushasana?
hehhh, sunshine: jooti hu mai, jaldi kai kya.
bh: UGLY? you have no heart.
patty: I protest..It is red. and wait a min, you thought I was a guy for this long? That explains all the winks I got from you.
rationale: Thought i'd share this secret we hid from you. Beta isn't really a guy.
psst- I had to hoard on shoes so that people like patty dont confuse me for a guy.
shoepreeta; yeah skechers
. very comfy. THEY ARE RED!
shufy: well Pi thinks I need only two. Your question is a double edged sword..if i have to pick my fav two, I can't call them dhuryodhana and dhushasana.
Alpha: So your take is that Gandhari had so many kids that she could not recognize who Duryodhana and Dushashana were?
anti: my point is contraceptives are flawed.
when you are a mother, all kids are equal/significant/etc. whoops, i just saw the flaw in my reasoning!
alpha: but i am sure bh has feet (maybe six?). hmmm... you could probably hide it from rationale that beta is a beti in disguise. question is how did beta do it? or is that for mahabharata's next installment - will shikhandi or brihannala take over now?
- s.b.
Why blame the contraceptives ? When both of them were blind/blind-folded, how could they have figured that out ?
Only if some Shivsena sevak were to read these...
sb: I knew you'd pry into my family matters and make it public.
bh: lol. love is blind, i've heard..but love-making too?
ups: looks like u might just alert them. they are busy cleaning mud from statues to notice these things.
LOVED your shoes collection! as they say, you can never have enough of a good thing :)
and Pi has quite a good sense of humour too it seems. looks like it has rubbed off on him by virtue of association with you :)
i never imagined you as a pump girl......somehow elegant sandals- and cute indian chappals.......oh dress seriously to hide your wicket humor i guess.
aqua: "you can never have enough of a good thing" looking forward to a picture of alpha's gulab jamun collection.
alpha: while raktabeejas never were a "good thing," you could display your gulab jamuns (the very same ones that pi pines on the treadmill for), it would be a nice segue from the mahabharata series to hindu religion at large. think about it, you can even be goddess kali!
- s.b.
aqua: well, of course heavy coaching took place (in the sense of humor department obviously). Thanks..
m: you are quite the wise one. I did have an aversion to the kind of shoes I wear because of my morbid fear of heels (and looking any taller than I already am) second the possibility of killing someone by mistake with those pointy toes/ heels. But stiff corpoarate America helped me with the transition. I do have lots of Indian sandalas and comfy flats which are in storage at this point (summery stuff that was put inside last winter) If I wait a little longer, I wont have to put them away again. Yeah, if I were to wear shoes that reflect the kind of personality I am, I would be wearing fluffy shoes with goofy prints.
sb: when I said gulab jamun, I really meant the round brown sweets dripping with sugar syrup that can be popped in the mouth when mom is not watching. Sorry to disappoint you, if you had lingerie or something else in mind.
ugghhh ... what a warped mind you have! those sweets in sugar is what i meant too, and that is the picture i was expecting to see too.
what in the world did you think i meant? yeah yeah, i got it, you do not need to be more explicit! your home work assignment for the day: read up on raktabeeja and kali.
- s.b.
p.s.: raktabeejas are numerous - that should have been a hint!
You don't need to be ignorant of raktabeejas to misconstrue this very sentence-
"could display your gulab jamuns (the very same ones that pi pines for)"
...chee chee. why would anyone in their right minds collect gulab jamuns? Wonder what other fetish you have..rama krishna, here I come.
alpha: "hehhh: I sit on the far end of the treadmill with a piece of gulab jamoon and he runs on the treadmill trying to reach it... yes, we all have our own methods of romance."
you started it!
- s.b.
Now I can never look at gulab jamoons without thinking about you, alpha ! Is there anything else left to be corrupted, aiyyo deva !
bh: by the time this mahabharata series is over, every object you look at is going to make you want to close your daughter's eyes.
Wow! You do have a lot of pairs of shoes!
Red? Sure....
you sound like a kid at a candy store - i wonder if pi ever said that (with different meaning of course!).
- s.b.
s.b: I said that with a different meaning too! She seems to have the total number of pairs of shoes I have had until now!
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Thanks for interesting article.
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